The PEGG April 1986
New Branch in Medicine Hat is a Voice for Local Members
APEGA’s volunteer-run branches put science before young people and their families across the province. Our branches also put on events that continuously improve the practices of our professionals.
They act as a voice for members and a face for our professions in their own communities, while advancing APEGA’s strategic initiatives.
In 1959, APEGA started a branch in Medicine Hat and reached out to other regions to gauge interest for more. Today, our branches—10 of them in all—blanket the province, serving communities and members where they live and work.
APEGA Branches
- Calgary
- Central Alberta
- Edmonton
- Fort McMurray
- Lakeland
- Lethbridge
- Medicine Hat
- Peace Region
- Vermilion River
- Yellowhead
In 1976, branches in Medicine Hat and Lethbridge met to discuss discipline cases and liability insurance, then enjoyed a speech from President Frank Spragins, P.Eng.—a leader in the advancement of oil development technology in Alberta. Today, our branches continue to organize networking, professional development, and public activities.

The PEGG 1976
APEGA branches represent the association in their communities, helping deliver outreach programs like the APEGA Science Olympics. Here, volunteers with the Central Alberta Branch gather for a photo after the Red Deer Science Olympics in 2014.

The PEG 2014
In 1986, branch expansion plans made the front page of The PEGG newspaper. APEGA met with members in Grand Centre and Lloydminster to discuss the formation of two more branches. As a result, the Lakeland and Vermilion River branches were welcomed aboard.

The PEGG April 1986