The Alberta Professional Engineer
Extra! Extra! First Newsletter Arrives in Members’ Mailboxes!
Hot off the press on March 29, 1947, was the inaugural edition of The Alberta Professional Engineer. The eight-page newsletter kept members current on association happenings and topics of interest to the profession.
The publication replaced bulky, mimeographed reports mailed to members of the association, then known as the Association of Professional Engineers of Alberta.
Front-page news from the first issue were details of the APEA’s successful Annual General Meeting in Lethbridge and an address from retiring President Leonard Stevens, P.Eng.
The first four recipients of the association’s new Gold Medal university scholarships were announced. So was the awarding of the $150 H.R. Webb Memorial Scholarship, which went to Edgar Lee Harrison, a former serviceman and a first-year student in applied science.
APEGA’s member publication has evolved over the years, from newsletter to newspaper to glossy magazine. The name also changed, to mini-PEGG, PEGG, and PEG—acronyms that reflect the engineering, geology, and geophysics professions, and eventually the umbrella profession geoscientist. Today, members get their news from a digital-only publication on APEGA’s website, and via the ePEG, an email newsletter.

The Alberta Professional Engineer